
42 days

the 42 day challenge

today I had 10 and 1/2 hours of classes. with zero breaks
(since i don't count sprinting across campus to my next class as a "break")
....I about peed my pants.

and i must say i was a bad student today.
my mind refused to focus.

instead i'd day dream about

longer hair.

and lovely trousers

and scotty dogs

and thinking of ANY excuse to buy this:

and I finally came up with a good one! Brandon and I were talking about goal setting the other day. B doesn't like making new years resolutions cause he thinks any day is a good day to make a resolution. me thinks he's right. We both have an individual daily goal we'd like to make a habit so we decided that after 42 days (6 weeks) of hard work at our goals, we'd treat ourselves to that adorable mr. crosley above.

and I'd like you to join us in our 42 day challenge! lets be honest, you already broke 10 of your 100 goals, and the other 90 you forgot about.
so lets make TODAY the day to:
-start that project you've been dreaming of
-drop those few pesky ounces
-break that horrid habit
-write in your journal
-learn a new skill
-be brave and woo that handsome devil you've been eyeing!

Goals turn into wishes if you don't write them down. Which is why I'm pledging on this here blog. and why you should comment your pledge as well! Tell us what your goal is {or if it's a secret, like mine, just say so} and for goodness sake, give yourself some motivation! Pick a treat of sorts as your prize and stick a photo of it on your mirror to remind yourself daily! And if you can't think of a good prize let me know....I'll make you cookies or send you a little sussy when the 42 days are up!

the 42 day challenge starts tomorrow!





  1. I can't think of a prize! I will do it, but it's less exciting if there is nothing waiting for you at the finish line.

  2. I am going to finish my book in the next 42 days. It's very possible, seeing as it's all planned out now. No treat for me though. As cheesy as it sounds, finishing will be it's own reward. Keep me motivated too beebe. Luff

  3. Love this post!

    I made a few small goals that I felt were completely reachable (read a biography a month, and learn the single ladies dance).
    But my big goal is for David, Calvin and I to take a trip to Ireland!! To a place called Roosky Cottage (google it!). Though I'm afraid it's gonna take a while to get us there, I am SO excited to go. :)
