
summer 2011 likely won't be on my list of favorites. it was a rough one for me. Though it wasn't fun in the moment, I'm glad I can look back and see the major growing I did. Summer school will pay off (hopefully) I learned a lot but mostly learned about myself. I learned I need chill, lazy, totally unproductive time to stay sane. I learned I need to have a routine and a system, but that I also need to break it sometimes.

There were a lot of things I did this summer that slipped through the cracks on this blog. I made art, lots of it. I practice my film photography like mad. I grew my bangs out and parted my hair down the middle. I got highlights. I photographed weddings, families, kids and lovers. I redecorated our little cupboard and re-arranged the furniture. I started some new projects and business endeavors. I hiked. I missed two family reunions and crammed as much summer into two weeks as humanly possible. I got really sick and then got much better. I went down a water slide (that I'd been scared to go down for years). I ran, but not as much as I should have. I went to arizona with my hubby to try it on for size (we think it will make a good temporary home in the not-so-distant-future). I went antiquing all over I15. I spent time with my family and a lot of time with brandon. I watched 4 season's of MadMen. I got an iphone and a new job. I ate a ridiculous amount of snow cones and a hefty amount of Mountain West Burrito, I read a few books (solely for pleasure), learned to cook a few new meals, and made some extremely big life plans.

I'll be running the Red Rock Relay this weekend {wish me luck!}
The Back To School giveaway to air Monday Morning.

*all images by me