

to be young again...

hahah okay so maybe I'm not that old... but I do miss that crazy driven ambition that only almost-graduates have. I think thats why doing senior portraits are my absolute favorite (shh! don't tell the brides!) i crave the energy! i love the optomisim! the giddy excitement of nearing that ever fateful day of GRADUATION! and it is a big day. it's the last day of your small high-school world and the first day of the oh-so-big-world! I cried big time at graduation (which probably isn't a huge surprise since an episode of the office can get me sniffling, i mean come on? Michael gone?!) there were only a few tears of sadness at graduation. maybe like 2 or three. the rest were super happy tears! happy because busting ones butt k-12 is a lot of work. and it is a HUGE accomplishment.

and I believe something so big should be documented

check out my most recent shoots

one brown-eye-bombshell

and one blue-eyed-beauty


  1. All our little girls grown up! Lovely photography, my dear.

  2. I think you are so right! My brother is about to graduate, and there's a special energy to seniors.

  3. Your photography is so cute! I love your sr photos.
