
a date with my mother

my mom is a volunteer docent at BYU's Museum of Art.
right now they have an amazing exhibition of some of Carl Bloch's alter pieces.

simply wonderful.
highly suggest you check it out.

My mom stopped by my apartment on her way home from a tour and we had a good chat.
Like we always do.
and it was a good reminder of how much i love her, and hope to be like her.
She is an amazing woman.

she said the light looked pretty in the kitchen.
so she took these pics of me.
i kind of fancy them

we decided to make a date out of her visit and walked around downtown provo.

ate yummy food.
ate too much.
realized I don't care much for ranch on my sandwich.

stopped by the chinese food store where she took some cooking lessons when I was a wee lassy of 2 years.
same owners there who remember us even now.
said i grew up pretty :)

stopped by the flower basket boutique {amazing christmas gifts to be had!}
met the sweetest girl Macie, who works there, and her little dog too.
happy to make new friends :)

stopped by my favorite antique shop.
walked out with armfuls of treasures.
including 1 very lovely vintage coat (circa 1950?).
second one I've found there (see first here)
same amazing jaw dropping price $25.
mom got it for me for birthday/christmas (both of which are just around the corner!!!)
let me wear it early since I came without a coat.

love dates.
love my mother.
love this city.

1 comment:

  1. k...now I want to know which antique store is your favorite! Derek and I wandered through a few this past summer--it's a favorite pasttime of ours. :)
