I'm back! And I must admit I missed this. This being blogging. Funny how it's so enjoyable to ramble my silly self along. And I must also admit I missed stalking you all terribly. And my attempt for guest bloggers proved unsuccessful (thanks sissy and B!) although my mom did a pretty good job huh?! I think she's a wonderful writer. She writes children's poetry. She's as quick and witty as they come!
I vote she starts a blog.

The yard sale was a success! Not only did we make a months rent, but we cleared up a TON of room in our cupboard and my parents house. Thanks for all you lovelies who came!
This past week was crazy! School, work, new job training, labs, yard sailing, photo shoots, editing, oh and kidney stone(ing?). But good news! Guido is MIA! Doc couldn't spot him on the Xray which means that instead of having surgery this morning I went to work and dressed mannequins in the loveliest of outfits :)
Banana Republic's Fall line might just be the best...
and I of course walked away spending a portion of the days earnings on this little beauty:

It makes my finger feel like a present :)